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Empowering Women Together: Highlights from Deloitte’s 25th National Impact Day with Suited for Change

By Charlotte Patrick-Dooling

Last Friday, June 7th, Deloitte celebrated its 25th annual National Impact Day, and Suited for Change was honored to be a partner organization in the Women’s Career Kickstarter event. 

This impactful day was filled with laughter, empowerment, and fun as Deloitte’s amazing employees, Suited’s wonderful volunteers, and fellow local organizations, House of Ruth, Catholic Charities, and New Hope Housing, came together to support the resilient women in our community. 

Through stations such as the Networking Lounge, Resume 101, and Interview Prep, participants were able to create their own experience at this professional development event! Not only were there opportunities to practice networking and resume building, but this kickstarter event also included a chance for participants to have a session with a professional make-up artist. 

After either getting touched up or receiving a full makeover, participants made their way over to Suited’s pop-up boutique for styling advice with our skilled volunteers, Amy Andrus and Marianne Clifford Upton. With Amy’s eye for fashion and Marianne’s talent for finding the perfect scarf for any outfit, we had an amazing team to make sure all the wonderful ladies at the event felt confident and photo-ready to receive a fresh headshot. And of course, we made sure that they could find some new pieces to add to their professional wardrobe! So, thank you to both of these incredible volunteers for all that you do for Suited today and every day. 

Once the participants felt confident and empowered in their new business attire, they had the opportunity to get a professional headshot taken by the wonderful Shannon Larson. A huge thank you to Shannon for capturing the beauty and power of all the amazing women at this event – we appreciate you and are so happy to have gotten to work with you! 

It truly was inspiring to witness so many individuals come together to make this event happen. We saw some beautiful connections form between so many different parties and saw the magic of empowering women in the professional world unfold – which is what we here at Suited for Change strive for! This event would not have been possible without the support of our fantastic board member, Olivia Termini, who has been with Deloitte since 2020! Thank you, Olivia, for being such an invaluable member of our team. 

This day reminded us of the importance and joy of uplifting women in the professional world and ensuring that all women have the resources and skills they need to be successful in their careers. We are grateful that Deloitte invited us to join them in celebrating their annual day of impact and felt so welcomed by everyone we met! This event encompassed what Suited is all about – striving for women to feel confident and prepared to enter the workforce on their path to financial independence through both professional attire and development workshops – and we could not be more happy to have been a part of it. It also reflects the ongoing efforts of Fernanda Parreira Menezes, our Marketing and Program Manager, to raise corporate awareness about the critical importance of implementing DEI strategies.

We can’t wait to continue working with the participants we met on this day as we welcomed them back for follow-up styling appointments and coaching sessions. Thanks again to Deloitte and all those who contributed to this Kickstarter! 

Click here to see more photos.


Emma Hill, intern, at Suited for Change's Annual Gala
Charlotte Patrick-Dooling

About Charlotte Patrick-Dooling:

Charlotte grew up in Washington, D.C., and went to School Without Walls High School. She is currently attending Oberlin College and is studying Politics and History. She is spending this summer interning at Suited for Change and has loved working with all the amazing clients and the incredible team of volunteers. After graduation, Charlotte hopes to pursue nonprofit work on an international scale. She loves to travel and explore small towns in the Washington area!


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